Friday, June 19, 2009

I typed,and emailed a letter to the editor of my local newspaper. Its about the current school levy,and asking for more taxes. I expressed what I felt and morethanlikely it will spark more debate. It its published. It's how I feel, which is against voting for it in this economic time. I researched somethings at the school districts website. I dont mind the criticism coming my way, but just worry it didn't sound intelligent enough.
I look at all these wonderful stitchers, and how inspiring their work is,and wonder why i spend so much time on the dang computer,when i could be doing something productive!
We have an ellyptical machine now. have i used it yet? noooo
A friend on xanga that i have become friends with hurts my feelings a little. i message her to see how she is doing, and she pretty much types what she blogs..... i think its copied and pasted into the message. i wonder why. i thought the friendship was deeper than that. everyone else i've met are sincere,and genuine. this has happened many times. wont confront her though,because she wont respond.
severe weather headed our way. i enjoy thunder and lightening! if its too close its scary.
i think i'll get off here,and put some photos in my journal.
Have a good weekend Linda!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Too much information!

I've done FB for at least a year. Its been great to keep in touch with some of my xanga friends,and family. I've reconnected with some old church friends,updated them on my family,and whats going on in theres. I had freedom! Now some people at work,are on gal blabbed something about what I innocently put on FB,and the word was out. I friended a few,was asked to friend a few,and now my private little world has been burst wide open. I hate it! This techno world of knowing what everyone is doin is weird to me. I like annonymity in the blogging world. People at church that I'm acquanted with are on FB and my friend. They know some of my doings by what I say on FB. I think people need to be entitled to some privacy in their life,and I'm realizing that now. I friended people from work, because how can you say no? I think the younger generation is so use to texting,IM'ing, Myspacing,etc they dont realize what its like to not know what someone does in their downtime. My worker friends are in a category ( more like acquaintences) that I enjoy them at work,but dont want my whole life exposed to them! It makes me feel uncomfortable to see them,knowing that they are aware " I went to the grocery store today,and thats one chore I hate",then they repeat it or ask a question about it to me when they see me at work! FB was fun back in the day. Now I dont want to post anything. I might cool off for a while,check up on friends,but leave off my personal comments. I guess thats one way of cutting down my computer time!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

I hate talking insurance. Hubby took a call from an insurance rep,and made an appointment,without my knowledge. In this young man walked in around 5pm.My husband is insurance shopping,and wanted information,not a new policy. Being strong willed,and not wanting to listen to the "pitch" I refused to sit in the sitting area. I was busy with a project,and didnt want to be interupted. I finished printing the prints, then took a shower. The salesman still was discussing why he could help my husband, he wasnt listening,both had an agenda, and I had enough! I felt convicted about my attitude,sat down for an allotted time,and finally said I'd heard enough. The salesmen represented the postal union,and actually had me sign a paper as a befeficiary to some insurance that is already a part of the union benefits. I do not like the postal union,they protect lazy workers,and take our money. I just needed to vent!

Our newest grandbaby was born. Millie was a little hestitant untill I encouraged her to kiss the baby. After that she wanted to hold her all the time.

Ashley looking down at God's blessing

Big sister didnt want to hold still!

Being a loving big sister!